For the Workout class... Do chimps have the same emotions as us?

Hello Everyone, 

Here is an interesting '6 minute English' episode about the environmentalist Jane Goodall. As well as listening to the radio programme, you can also read the transcript if you scroll down the page.

Do chimps have the same emotions as us?

For the Wednesday Workout class, I will ask you the following questions in class, so have your answers ready!

  1. Jane Goodall was an expert in the behaviour of chimpanzees. Where did she study chimpanzees?
  2. The chimpanzees that she studied used a stick to get ants out of a hole in the ground. Why was this significant?
  3. Why did Jane think that chimpanzees and humans have many of the same emotions?
  4. Have you ever seen a great ape in real life?


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