Johnny Nash, singer-songwriter of 'I Can See Clearly Now', has died at 80

 Hello everyone!

Here is an article from The Week magazine about the death of Johnny Nash. Nash wrote the song I can see clearly now, which is a very beautiful song about overcoming adversity and personal renewal. The article also contains a video of Nash performing the song. Do you know the song? Do you like it? Have you ever felt the way that Nash is describing in the song? Tell us about it in the comments section below!

For those of you who like a challenge, here are some questions to answer- the first three are about the article, the rest are missing words from the song which you have to fill in while you are listening to the song. Good luck- see if you can be the first to leave the answers in the comments below!

The Week is a very good magazine for short summaries of the week's news stories- you might like to practice your English by looking at it from time to time...

Johnny Nash, singer-songwriter of 'I Can See Clearly Now,' has died at 80


First read the article...

  1. Under what circumstances did Johnny Nash write the song, I Can See Clearly Now?
  2. Where did he meet Bob Marley?
  3. How many children did he have? 

 Now see if you can fill in the gaps with the correct words...

I can see clearly now the rain is gone
I can see all 4. __________in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me 5. ________
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
Oh, yes I can make it now the pain is gone
All of the 6. ______ ________ have disappeared
Here is that 7. ___________ I've been praying for
It's gonna be a bright (bright)
Bright (bright) sunshiny day
Look all around, there's nothing but 8. _______ ______
Look straight ahead, there's nothing but 8. ______ ______


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