Scholars warn of collapse of democracy as Trump v Biden election looms
Hello Everyone,
This post is mainly for my Monday 'chatterbox' class, but anyone is free to join in.
A group of historians, specialising in totalitarianism and fascism, have warned that democracy is being undermined around the world. On the eve of the presidential election in the United States, I thought it would be interesting to hear you opinions on this topic. Here is a link to a Guardian article on the topic:
Read the article and leave a comment with your response- you can either respond in writing below or leave a spoken response by voicemail on the class Whatsapp group.
Here are some questions that occur to me:
- Do you think it is true that we are seeing democracy being undermined?
- Democracy seems to be the highest and most prized value of our culture- is it possible that it is a bit outdated, at least in its present form?
- What do you think is the state of Spanish democracy? How about Catalan democracy?
- Olga argued for a more local approach to politics in the last class- could democracy be revitalised if it were strengthened at a local level?
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