The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Hi Everyone, and especially the Chatterbox class!

Here is a link to the opening pages of the novel The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency Have you read it? Read the beginning and see if you like it. It hasn't been modified in any way for learners of English, but it is written in a simple style so it shouldn't be too difficult for higher level students. Perhaps intermediate level students in the Workout class might like to give it a try also?!

The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency

Chatterboxes, can you read the extract before Wednesday's class? Here are some questions for you to answer while you read- we can discuss the answers in class on Monday. If you like it, we could perhaps order the book and read it together, what do you think?

  1.  In the title, "The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency", does Ladies' refer to Mma Ramotswe or her clients?
  2.  (Paragraph 1) What qualities make Mma Ramotswe a good detective?
  3. (Paragraph 2) Describe what you can see from Mma Ramotswe's front door.
  4. (Paragraph 4) "She loved Africa, for all its trials..." What does for mean in this context? Find a synonym.
  5. (Paragraph 8) Where did Mma Ramotswe get the money to start the detective agency?
  6. (Paragraph 9) "Had it been a year before [...] it would have been a different matter". Is this a question?
  7. (Paragraph 10-15) How do you think Mma Ramotswe's father felt about her plan to set up a detective agency?
  8. (Paragraph 18) "When she could not, she waived her fee" From the context, what do you think waived means? 
  9. (Paragraph 35) How long has Happy Bapetsi's 'father' been living with her? 
  10. Do you think the man is, in fact, Happy Bapetsi's father?


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